Thursday 6 December 2007

Oil Pastel Experiment

This is my first quick try at drawing with oil pastels. They're metallic, so they have a lovely shimmer in real life but the scanner seems to have killed the subtle sheen in this image! Shame.

This is a combination of different layers of only five pastel colours, with the earlier layers being treated with white spirits (we didn't have any turps in class today, which you're supposed to use). The end effect was everyone in the class had a great time because we were all as high as kites on the fumes! I'm not sure if it improved our efforts...

I now have a headache. I'm going to lie down.

Have a lovely day xxx

UPDATE: Here's a picture of a few members of the Hudswell Art Class - Merry Christmas ladies and I'll see you on January 10th for the next term :)