Saturday 8 December 2007

It isn't about perfection... should be about enjoying yourself! When I'm feeling a bit uninspired, this seems to work for me: draw the first colourful thing you see, as quick as you can, then colour it with the brightest colours in your palette. Hence the cat's scratching post-thingy. I did over-do it a bit with the Paynes Gray, but I guess that's what happens when you play fast and loose with a paintbrush!

I'm now loving the 'scratch-pen'! I like how chaotic this picture is; it seems to reflect how battered the scratcher really is.

I'm off to volunteer at the Station Cinema in Richmond later. This afternoon it's an inspired double-bill of 'Ratatouille' and 'The Wizard of Oz'... yes, THAT one! ON THE BIG SCREEN. Geeeeee-nius!
And just to top off the Christmas spirit, it just started snowing!