Monday 10 December 2007

Digital Tree

This is a little bit different to my usual style! I've been playing around with various art tools in the ArtRage software, and came up with this. It's a digital combination of pencil, pen and airbrush. I've also used different layers for the background and foreground.

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this image. It seems a bit dark and broody. Bizarrely, I was thinking about Christmas when I did this!

I'm starting to get used to the Wacom tablet now. It's a strange way to create art if you're used to actually using pencils and brushes, but I do like that you can change your medium halfway through a painting and it won't ruin it. And the 'Undo' function is great. There's something very freeing about that, I know I can be as loose and experimental as I like and I'm not wasting good art materials. I think this is the greatest benefit of the tablet, although it's a whole new learning curve to transfer what I've learned with traditional methods to software. I feel like I'm learning to draw all over again!