Wednesday 5 December 2007

Just the one Miu - a study

This is the left one. I love these sandals. If I didn't live in Yorkshire, I'd wear them all year round.

I drew this in pencil first, and I'm surprised at how much more confident I now am. Although, when I inked it I wanted to scan it in - just in case I ruined it with paints!

I think the paints worked out ok. The sandals are leather and I was really trying to go for a textured appearance, as well as trying to record how floppy and well-worn they are. The stones aren't quite what I would like them to look like yet.

I might do a wee bit more work on them when the paper is fully dried, but I like the effect so far.

I am LOVING art! It's taken a good while to get the basics, but the effort is worthwhile. BLISS.