Tuesday 4 December 2007

Grow your own

I think I've got some kind of lurgy today. I was volunteering at The Station Cinema in Richmond last night and got a bit of a chill during 'The Darjeeling Ltd'.

So, I'm armed with my colourful teapot [see post below for a piccie of it] filled to the brim and a determination that the lurgy is not going to set in. [The whole teapot/film irony is amusing me!]

I'm going to see a preview of 'The Golden Compass' tomorrow night, and I don't want to infect the entire theatre. If anyone has any ideas for remedies, please let me know!

Drawing hearts always cheers me up. I like the idea of them growing and I tend to think them being like trees. Smaller hearts grow as green heart-leaves from the branches and eventually mature into the full blown red blooms when they're good and ready.

Hope you have a lovely day. xxx