Tuesday 15 December 2009

It's been a long time...

Good grief - it's been over a year since I blogged. Very, very lazy. Anyway, today I finally managed to get enrolled onto an art course again, so come February I should have more artistic attempts to put up. I've completed zero pieces since 2008, so it should be interesting to see how I do. Scary!

In other artistic endeavours, I've been helping a friend of mine, who is writing a children's science fiction novel. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy writing and copy editing, and the subject is so much more interesting to read than my old diet of training materials and business documents! It's not paid work, but it is helping me to get back in to the swing of things and I've really missed working with Al :) Happy days!

It might actually get published and kick-start a new career-path for me in publishing, so I'm researching the publishing process in anticipation. So far, the seven chapters Al's completed are fab - so I have high hopes. If I had his imagination, I'd try writing a book myself!